Room Rental Policy

The Alice Melnyk Public Library welcomes the use of its program room. The Library has one room that is used for library and library-related programs and meetings but is also available for rental by groups and organizations. All rentals will be subject to the terms defined by this policy.

1. Use of the meeting room by a group or organization does not constitute endorsement by the Library Board of that group or organization’s beliefs or policies. Programs must not contravene the Criminal Code of Canada, Provincial Rules & Regulations, and Municipal Bi-laws. The Library Manager reserves the right to refuse a booking.

2. Promotional materials must not imply or suggest that the library is endorsing the program and must contain the following disclaimer: This program is not sponsored by the Alice Melnyk Public Library and the Library carries no responsibility for its content.

3. The meeting room cannot be rented for private social functions, fundraising events or bazaars, or religious services.

4. The Alice Melnyk Public Library is a non-smoking facility. Alcohol consumption is not permitted in the meeting room except under special arrangements and with proof of a valid liquor licence.

5. The use of open flames, smoke or odour produced by burning aromatic substances such as candles or incense is strictly prohibited.

6. The booking will be confirmed upon receipt of the completed agreement form. Bookings may be cancelled up to 1 week before the rental with no cost. Bookings cancelled between 1 week and 48 hours before the rental will be charged a 10% administrative fee. Bookings not cancelled, or cancelled less than 48 hours before the rental, will be charged the full rental cost.

7. Any damage to the Alice Melnyk Public Library building and/or its equipment must be repaired or replaced at the renter’s expense.

8. The library accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen articles.

9. Storage space is not provided.

10. Tables and chairs are available at the library. The set up and cleaning of the room is the responsibility of the group or organization.

11. The use of library facilities shall be subject to the supervision of the library staff. Keys to the facility shall not be provided to individuals or organizations renting the room, unless under the discretion of the Library Manager. In such a case, a deposit key may be required and a contract signed. (See Att. B)

12. A representative of the organization must sign a rental agreement stating that they have read the policy and agree to its terms.

Room Rental Rate Details

• If booking takes place during regular library hours: $30/half day(3-5hrs.) and $75/full day(6-10hrs.). These are flat rates.
• If booking takes place outside of library regular hours, or booking starts and/or ends when library is closed: $30 + number of hours a library staff will have to be present (if required )to facilitate access to the room (minimum of 3 hours) x $13.00.

Equipment Available
• Projection screen
• Coffee urn

*Equipment must remain in the Library building and cannot be rented out.